Wednesday, May 23, 2007

TBMC follow-up

After meeting with the accountant today, I can now say Tricky Owlbear Publishing, Inc. (more specifically, S-Corp) is a-go! The acct. was friendly and informative (at least for me). Once the paperwork is complete (and our several hundred dollars received), I will assume presidency with Scot as secretary of the endeavor.

We're definitely planning on three releases for our grand opening (besides the 36 Behind the Spells that will shift under TOP's umbrella at RPGNow). BtM: Owlbear will be our free pdf. BtM: Xorn and a new Behind the Spells (Vampiric Touch) will be the other two premiere pdfs. Now, it's back to work!


Harley said...

Congrats! I can't wait to buy the official first release.

Wait ... where'd my coin pouch go? Is that the smell of wet feathers?

Oh... that tricky owlbear!


Bret said...

Hey, thanks for the support and for stopping by grimmy. :) Here's hoping we get some stuff out the door very soon.

Mike said...

Hadn't noticed this announcement. Congrats!!!

Gotta get back to typing something about xorn ...