I mentioned this on my own blog but it's gone unheralded here (honestly, I'm not certain how many folks drop by here)--Tricky Owlbear is producing a monster book for Pathfinder called Forgotten Foes. Two writers came to me late last year with the proposed project of writing up many of the monsters that did not make the cut for Paizo's own Bestiary. It sounded like a great idea to me so I gave it the green light. So far, we're over halfway to 100+ monsters. At the start, we were not going to have any artwork for the project. We're but a tiny company and illustrating over 100 monsters would likely cost more than we have in the coffers. And then, just last month, something magical occurred...
Axel Carlsson of Headless Hydra Games (and former freelancer for us--see BtM: Barghest) came to me after hearing the project would be without art. He wanted his company to be involved with this book and offered to pay for pretty much all of the artwork and to act as art director. For a percentage of royalties and his company's logo on the cover, how could I refuse? The artists that are lined up for this will make this great book all the better. Axel has started to tease the art side of things on his company's blog here: http://headlesshydragames.wordpress.com/
In fact, why not give you a peek at one of the illustrations? Here's the grimlock...

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