Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Chapbook Cover!

We're pretty close to green-lighting this product, so we thought we'd give a preview of the cover for the Tricky Owlbear v3.75 Player's Chapbook. Like your information in one place without having to sift through flavor text and art? Then this is the book for you! We've combined the player's rules from the Pathfinder core book and the Advanced Player's Guide in one convenient tome and it's going to be 6"x9" for easy handling.


James Straight said...

Any further update on when this might be available?

Bret said...

Hi James. Sorry for the delayed response (too many Owlbear sites to check!). I found an editing snafu in the entirety of the text that would have lost us some points with consumers so we're going over the text again. Shouldn't be long, thanks for your patience!!

Anonymous said...

That's one hell of a

We hope to see it soon.

James Straight said...

It has been quite awhile. Any further word on this?

James Straight said...

9 months later it is looking like the plan is to let this one quietly die. That's a real shame. I was really looking forward to it.